Celebrating International Vesak Day 2024 at SVCC

Celebrating International Vesak Day 2024 at the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre

Celebrating International Vesak Day 2024 at SVCC

I was pleased to be part of the “International Vesak Day Celebration 2024,” organized by the Indian Embassy in Bangkok at the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre (SVCC) on 22nd May. The event featured a talk on “Role of King Ashoka in Spreading Buddhism in Thailand,” delivered by Venerable PM. Surasak Paccantaseno, Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs at Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University.

Opening Remarks: Shri Nagesh Singh ji, Ambassador of India to Thailand, set the tone with his insightful comments on Vesak Day and India-Thailand ties.
Guest Speaker: Venerable PM. Surasak Paccantaseno provided an enlightening talk on King Ashoka’s influence in spreading 
Cultural Exchange: The event fostered community and cultural exchange, highlighting the shared heritage between India and Thailand.

The International Vesak Day Celebration 2024 was an enriching experience, deepening our understanding of Buddhist heritage and strengthening the cultural bond between India and Thailand. Grateful for this meaningful event organized by the Indian Embassy in Bangkok.

Sunil Kothari Businessman and Philanthropist in Bangkok, Thailand

Sunil Kothari (Born November 9, 1962) is a well-known businessman and generous Philanthropist both in India and Thailand.
Sunil Kothari is the Chairman of Flawless Co., Ltd. In Thailand established in 1985.

Kothari has been living in Thailand since 1983 and has become one of the prominent member of Indian diaspora in Thailand. Sunil is a senior member of several community associations in Thailand such as India-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thai Gems and Jewelry Traders Association, Vishwa Hindu Parishad Association Thailand, India-Thai Business Association, Indian Association of Thailand and Ekal Vidyalya Foundation Thailand.


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